Oct 6, 2023: David Lorimer | Paradigm Explorer Scientific and Medical Network
This is an important book bringing together meditation as an integral part of the evolution of consciousness entailing a journey from illusion to truth and the rediscovery of true nature as the Self when we are aligned with our souls. This takes us to a trans-egoic perspective where we realise that the ego has not been running the show. The book is designed as an adjunct to meditation practice rather than a replacement of it. It contextualises the search for the Self within psychology and psychoanalysis, explaining the nature of kundalini and the chakra centres. It gives many meditation pointers and has an excellent chapter on understanding dreams. It discusses levels of initiation as well as more advanced techniques, and at the end there is a useful supplementary course of 22 lessons summarising the content. An excellent resource in the search for Self-awareness.